
Saturday, August 21, 2021

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Almonds is a type of nuts. It belongs to the nut category. There are numerous health benefits to soaked almonds and raw almonds. 

They are rich in fats, minerals, and vitamins. Though almonds are high in fats, almond is a weight-loss snack.

Benefits of soaked almonds, Benefits of soaked almonds empty stomach, Benefits of soaked almonds in water, soaked almonds for weight loss, soaked almonds nutrition

It is also known as energy booster food. Do you have a confusion on how to take almonds? or when to take almonds or how much quantity can we consume per day? or can we take badam regularly?


This article on the benefits of the almonds gives you a clear picture for all your queries.


Nutrient’s content of soaked almonds and raw almonds

Almonds are rich in fat, protein, calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, manganese, fibre, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acid, and Vitamin E.

They are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

The almonds contain 50% of fat. Almonds contain good cholesterol. It contains 60% of monounsaturated acids, 30% of polyunsaturated acids, 25% of protein, and 20% of carbohydrates and fibre. These are the macronutrients in almonds.

The micronutrients in the almonds are magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamin E.

A handful of almonds contain 1/8th of daily protein needs.

Almonds are low carb nuts. Naturally, they are low in sugars.

These macronutrients and micronutrients in the almonds help to promote a healthy life.


Health Benefits of soaked almonds


Almonds have the good cholesterol content. It lowers the bad cholesterol content.

Since it has the low sugar content and rich in fibre. It helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It keeps the heart healthy and fights against cancer.

It is low in carbohydrates and rich in fibre. So, the soaked almonds help in weight loss.

The vitamin E content in the almonds keeps the skin and hair healthy.

Almond has iron content, so it is good to take during pregnancy.

When you take soaked almonds on the empty stomach, it will balance the acidity problem.

The good fat contents in the almonds help to reduce memory loss and increases brain functioning.


Raw Almonds or Soaked Almonds?

Normally, most of the people prefer the soaked almonds. Since it is very soft and easy to chew. It also has more nutrients in it.

Raw Almonds has the anti-nutrient content. The anti-nutrient content such as phytic acid and tannins preserve the nutrients when the almonds are in the plant.

It is nothing wrong to take the raw almonds when you take in minimum quantity (not more than a handful of almonds). Raw almonds have equal nutrients like that soaked almonds.

The soaked almonds don’t have anti-nutrient properties. So, you will get the complete vitamins and proteins of the almond.

So, taking raw almond is not a problem. It has good nutrients and doesn’t cause any digestion problem when you take in a lesser quantity.


How long to soak the almonds?

You can soak the almonds overnight or for 6 to 8 hours.


Can we drink the water you soak almonds in?

The peel of the almonds have tannin and phytic acid properties which hinders the absorption of nutrients. So, it is better to discard the water.  


How many soaked almonds can we take in a day?

You can take 4 to 5 soaked almonds every day in the summer season. You can take 8 to 10 soaked almonds every day in the winter season.


When can you consume the almonds?

It is better to take the soaked almonds on the empty stomach. When you take it in the early morning, it also eases your acidity problem. The absorption will be better when you take it in the early morning.


Summary of benefits of soaked almonds

It acts as an energy booster.

It helps to lower the bad cholesterol level.

It is rich source of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Soaked almonds help in weight loss

It keeps the heart-healthy and fight against cancer.




Final Note

The soaked almonds have many benefits for our health. You should include almonds in your daily diet for a healthy life.  Momovators’ is all about parenting, education, health, and fitness.

















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